AGA - definition. What is AGA
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

AGHA; AGA (disambiguation); AGA; A.G.A.; Aga (disambiguation); Ága

Advanced Graphics Adapter
¦ noun Brit. trademark a type of heavy heat-retaining stove or range used for cooking and heating.
1930s: from the original maker's name (Svenskaa) A(ktiebolaget) Ga(sackumulator) 'Swedish Gas Accumulator Company'.
·noun ·Alt. of Agha.



Aga or AGA may refer to:

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. The Aga Khan had a house there.
The Great Minds of Investing _ William Green _ Talks at Google
2. They got the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2002.
3. AUDIENCE: I know the AGA has been trying
AlphaGo and Professional Go Players _ Hajin Lee _ Talks at Google
4. of the, the National Committee of the Aga Khan Foundation.
Acts of Faith - The Story of an American Muslim _ Eboo Patel _ Talks at Google
5. with Princess Grace, the Aga Khan, wonderful storytelling.
Designing Interiors & Spaces _ Aerin Lauder _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. AGA AGA glided up the charts at Jordan Advertising Awards (JAA) 2007 as one of the most–awarded agencies.
2. "It is a very gruesome situation," said police official Aga Mohammed Tahir.
3. Aga Foodservice 304p (down 1.75p, 0.6 per cent). Buys Waterford Stanley for 8.7m.
4. The clash left six Taliban dead and four wounded, Aga said.
5. AGA is not a bad apple but a quite normal apple on a very large tree.